Time You Spend To Select New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless - Tabletop Signs

Time You Spend To Select New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless

Time You Spend To Select New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless Specification & Features Product Name: New Star Foodservice 27389 Sta...

New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless

Time You Spend To Select New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless Steel Table Tent Sign, Plain for Dry Erase Marker, 3-Inch by 1-1/2-Inch, Set of 2
  • Brand: New Star Foodservice
  • Model: 27389

  • Made of stainless steel
  • Ideal for restaurants
  • catering events, hotels, and country clubs
  • Each label measures approximately 3 x 1.5 inches

To label your beverage servers with ease and style try our new line of simple and sleek stainless steel tent signs. Each sign can be purchased separately or as a complete set including "Coffee" "Decaf" "Hot Tea" "Iced Tea" "Hot Water" "Milk" "Cream" and our favorite blank table tent for you to customize. No more messy labels and no more paper waste. Easy to clean and reuse. Perfect for buffets and continental breakfasts.

Comments List

  • New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless Reviews:

    I find the idea very nice, probably not the most original, but certainly the most convenient when you should give pleasure to someone does not necessarily know the tastes. I personally have never sent a gift card, but I've received recently. I was able to choose exactly what I wanted on the site, I encountered no problem, neither to order, nor for pay. Therefore, it is an idea that I remember. Gift easy to give to a nephew or a friend of the people we love and who are not close to nousTrès easy-to-use for the person. Not to offer a duplicate, or a gift that the person already has. Has to Offer without retainedA good purchase, easy to use, whether on the online shop or to feed into his/her account kindle. The packaging is cute and it is delivered very quickly. Very easy and efficient. I recommend gift vouchers Amazon. Not need of credit card and if there is a balance, can be used on another purchaseThe box is all cute and I am very happy to have received for Christmas, this gift card that will allow me to acquire new novels to my Kindle. Regardless of the method used for the gift cards, it's very convenient! Everything is ok. Order received in time.
  • Cheap New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless:

    Article meets the description, but do not rely on the images that let imagine a big box, when in fact it is very smallPractical idea when you have a little time, and that it is located away from the recipient. I also like the fact of being able to send a message through the site to the interested.. If you do not know the taste of a person but it is sure that she will find her happiness on Amazon, the cheque-gift is ideal. You can choose the date on which it will be delivered, a word accompanying it, and attach even a photo story to create a ticket custom. I loved this quick, safe and pleasant to make a gift; the person who received it loved my idea and she may choose whatever she pleases. In short, a success! :) the gift card arrived very quickly. It was in a box "gift". I've packed anyway (for the surprise). She has served almost immediately and with ease. I ordered a gift card 50€, the problem is when scraping to see the letter or number, there is some that we do not, how does one sincerely, Mr and Mrs QuagmireIt was a last-minute gift, it arrived very quickly by mail and I printed it myself. Ideal for when the guests arrive, we must prepare a meal and that it was not the time to get out. This Super idea for a gift card in its nice gift.
  • Cheap New Star Foodservice 27389:

    I had my engagement and I know that the bride and groom will surely find their Happiness on Amazon. Delivery quick!!! Thank You Amazon!!! Large family, teenagers who have everything, great parents who are undecided, here's an idea that will be useful. In a nice box with the presentation refined, a gift card of the value you want to deliver. Amazon offers a wide range of choice in various domains to meet all the world. The box was even more of a success than the content, that is to say! Oh, and the ribbon is a "real" not a drawing :) If we add the 10 € of purchase, the fast delivery and the freedom to use it for years, this is perfect! For a last minute gift.... gift certificates are easy to customize, fast and convenient. The coupon is sent near to print in pdf format. It is also pre-formatted to be folded in the shape of a card.
  • Best Buy New Star Foodservice 27389:

    this is the first time that I order gift cards in AmazonAchetées for my two sons-in-law for Christmas, I wanted to change a little this year and having read the positive reviews, I opted for these cards to offrirJ'I liked the presentation, the boxes are really very nice, I think they will be able to take pleasure in all the different shops of the site, it is this wide selection which finally prevailed in my decision. Perfect gift for the enjoyment of Christmas. The box is very nice to offer with its small knot. I recommend! I used it for a transaction.... rather handy and easy to use! nothing else to say and I will not hesitate to recommend!!! Gift card Amazon. fr - 50 (Christmas Tree) gift Card Amazon. fr - free Delivery in 1 day ouvréC'is missed, the fault probably chronopost, but it is amazon who was committed... I am now trying to print these vouchers for at least have them in hand and be able to offer. No, impossible, nothing is planned. No gift certificates and no ability to print, yet it is a story of information, credit code this should not be too difficult to do, even if I get the same codes later (too late) in the mail. My dear Amazon, you're taken by default, think about it for next time. If the gift voucher is usually not a very original idea, Amazon was able to give him an added value due to new patterns-printable : just print on a paper a little more special to have a gift very "design".
  • On Sale New Star Foodservice 27389:

    Then, the gift voucher it is also the certainty of pleasure - especially for people who love books ;) Very easy to obtain and easy to use, valid for one year on the Amazon site. Simply enter the code of the cheque and after validation, your account is credited with the value indicated on the cheque. If you do not use the full amount, you will not have to type it in again and the complement of the payment can be made by credit card "Very convenient". In addition, it is possible to visualize at any time your account balance your gift card on the Amazon site.. Check gift really practice, the search was the appointment thank you! Very convenient when you have no time to look for a gift or when you have no gift idea so it is the Good solutionBy providing the check AMAZON gift, no risk of getting it wrong or disappoint... there are so many things on this site... and then very easy to send and use. The only downside (but this is a detail) : there should be more choices for the peronnalisation when sending.
  • New Star Foodservice 27389 Reviews:

    Ideal for when the family lives on the other side of the Atlantic!! Perfect gift because even if you don't know what the person wants she can afford what she wants! Thank you! Want urgent to make it fun? Offer the Amazon gift card to print immediately after you have selected a visual, an amount and an accompanying message. Flexible, fast, convenient : what more could you ask for? Very convenient, simplicity of purchase. Note : the recipients who had lost her e-mail, Amazon has cancelled the previous one and re-generated the new in a few hours. Perfect! my friend who I gave this gift card to was thrilled!!! she could easily afford what she wanted! I received it in a beautiful box! perfect, awesome! I referred the next year!!!! it is convenient and a good idea for gifts for the family or friend who lives far away, I am very satisfied, thank youA pretty presentation for a gift card, always handy and came with all speed, which will make the happiness of my daughter. Not practical at all. The recipient has never been able to use it (for an e-book, Kindle), book purchase to provide should not pass by the gift cheques, but to be an option in the Kindle store. Article that troubleshoots when one is short of ideas. Simple to purchase, customizable by a small word, printable, enough to satisfy a purchase of last minute (my case).



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Tabletop Signs: Time You Spend To Select New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless
Time You Spend To Select New Star Foodservice 27389 Stainless
Tabletop Signs
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